quarta-feira, 17 de maio de 2017

For those

As palavras, quando conseguem encontrar a nossa intimidade, ficam a pairar no limbo dos sonhos ou dos pesadelos. Outras palavras, também sentidas, mas que não tocam aquela intimidade, ficam a deambular nas nossas meditações, até conseguirem penetrar nos sonhos. Ou, simplesmente, esfumarem-se, como se nunca tivessem sido compostas.
Este poema com música, dos Tindersticks, tem palavras sentidas que nos ficam coladas.

For those

Two hours twenty minutes
To one, five past
Now it´s laying somewhere out there in the ground
And I´ve lost you
I was cheated
It was something belonged only to me
And now it´s gone through my own stupidity
And I lost you
I was cheated

Two whole years spent earning your love
Now it´s hanging around in the clouds
Well I´ve lost you
I was cheated by my own vanity
Whispering rumours, bullying me
Well I spent it
It wasn´t worth it
And for those who are not so beautiful as her
Not giving excuses, but oh...
When it´s originally tossed away
It can easily be reclaimed by her
By her

All those years spent building myself up
Trying to stop my staring
And start taking two steps instead of one
But they´re so gno now

A. Jawlenski, Meditações

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